Current gallery code gives:
Parse error - pmg symmetry mirror axis argument must be 2 or 3
Context Free Version 3.0.8 (40) on Mac. 8-(
I did a bit of poking, and it looks like axis 0 in pmg symmetry on a mac is broken. Also the transformations in the wallpaper groups that do work seem strange. I don't have time to do much poking around just now, but will come back to it.
On the code golf thing, the good news is that I think you may be able to shave a few bytes off. You only need to specify half the shape, so
Code: Select all
path d{ARCTO(1,1,-1)ARCTO(0,2,1)}
Hand-coding a symmetry group works:
Code: Select all
CF::Symmetry=[],[f 90],[f 0],[r 180],[x 2 y 2],[x 2 y 2 f 90],[x 2 y 2 f 0],[x 2 y 2 r 180]
Also put "startshape d" at the end to save a space char.