Cannot mix replacements and...

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Cannot mix replacements and...

Post by Hyronymous »

I installed the Windows GUI version last night and starting going through the documentation to teach myself how to write the context-free grammar and draw.

While going throug the part on "Path declaration", I tried running the one example:

path iso {
ARCTO(0, 1, 0.5)
ARCTO(0, 0, 0.5)
STROKE() [s 2 0.5]
STROKE(CF::IsoWidth) [s 2 0.5 y -0.75]

For both of the STROKE lines, the script fails to parse with an error message like "Cannot mix replacements and something something" (I'm at work, but I can post the exact message when I get home if that isn't enough to help.) I've tried running it here at work, using the Linux version, and the above parses and paints out fine.

Any thoughts?

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Re: Cannot mix replacements and...

Post by MtnViewJohn »

I can't reproduce this. Do you get the error message "Cannot mix path elements and replacements in the same container"?

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Re: Cannot mix replacements and...

Post by Hyronymous »

Yep, that's the message. I'm running version 3.0.6 (v35) - 64-bit on a Windows 7 machine. Here's the full message:

Reading rules file
Restarting as a version 3 design
Error - Cannot mix path elements and replacements in the same container

But yeah, if you can't reproduce it, then maybe I'll try reinstalling or just running the CLI.

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Re: Cannot mix replacements and...

Post by MtnViewJohn »

I fired up my 64-bit Win7 VM and still didn't see it. Does it happen if you try it in the CLI version?

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Re: Cannot mix replacements and...

Post by MtnViewJohn »

Also, if you click on the error message it highlights the error in the editor. What line is highlighted?

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