Site suggestions

Let the developers know what you think of the software and what can be done to either improve the CFDG language or the Context Free program.

Moderators: MtnViewJohn, chris, mtnviewmark

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Joined: Sun Mar 01, 2009 7:32 am

Site suggestions

Post by fedor »

1. Yet another representation of the gallery as a big sheet with many
pictures on it. It will be good for newcomers and good for visual serching.

2. Another line in gallery tools :

Gallery Tools
25 / 5 Newest
25 / 5 Oldest
25 / 5 by Title
25 / 5 Random

25 / 5 By code length (rules, lines or characters).

It will be helpful to see the essentials.

3. Kind of contest: given picture or verbal description. Send us code.
It will help to gather examples for tutor/manual/wiki.

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