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Context Free: nice bundle for Textmate

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 10:29 pm
by jeremydouglass
Because I couldn't find a mention on the board, a plug: if you use the MacOSX Textmate editor, check out the Context Free bundle, which provides syntax highlighting, code completion, and built-in rendering, available from the Textmate bundles svn (download instructions)

As near as I can tell, the bundle was created by Mietek Bak in September 2006 ("Introducing Context Free, a language for drawing pretty stuff") and has been contributed to by Jacob Rus and Allan Odgaard - not sure if they're on this forum. The syntax highlighting is helpful, and it automatically supports some other niceties (like code folding, requested elsewhere on the forum). The render options work pretty well, with a built in rendering pane based on the command line tools (no progressive animation) and a Render In Context Free command that launches the application.

The only problem with the Render In is that you can't open an existing file - you can only launch-and-paste into an untitled window. That means that there is no relative path, so any code with relative include files breaks - which is all of mine, unfortunately....