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Import or trace vectors?

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 12:17 pm
by ryan_wh
Brand new to the site...looking over the forums. I've used Actionscript and Processing in the past with varying degrees of success for what I'm trying to do.

Is there a way to program CFDG to randomly plot vector drawings on the "canvas?"

Or to trace the shapes along random points, sizes, and rotations?

Thanks! Hope this isn't an overly discussed question within the forum, but I didn't see it.

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 7:40 am
by MtnViewJohn
Context Free doesn't do randomness very well. The only way to do random positioning is to have a collection of rules that produce a random walk. The next major version of Context Free will have a random function that will let you do random positioning directly within a rule.