Version 3.0 is released

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Version 3.0 is released

Post by MtnViewJohn »

Version 3.0 is available on the Download page.

Features added since beta4:
  • The transform and clone structures now take their list of adjustments using the exact same form as the CF::Symmetry variable. The adjustments are separated by commas instead of spaces. And like the CF::Symmetry variable you can now but CF::Cyclic and CF::Dihedral symmetry specification.
  • Square tilings are eligible for the CF::cm and CF::cmm symmetry groups, with a 45° rotation.
  • Square tilings that are rotated 45° are recognized and are eligible for CF::pm/pmm/pmg/pgg/p4/p4m/p4g symmetry groups.
Bugs fixed since beta4:
  • piping a cfdg file into cfdg/ContextFreeCLI failing for v3 cfdg files
  • min() and max() functions always return the last value in the list, not the min or max
Known issues:
  • Does not work in Windows 8

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Re: Version 3.0 is released

Post by Monkstone »

There is a README "src-ffmpeg/README.ffmpeg", that I would point linux users to especially those who keep their system fairly up to date. You might wish to check out what version of ffmpeg you've got before running make on the new release. I've got ffmpeg version 0.8.3-4:0.8.3-0ubuntu0.12.04.1, so following one abortive make, I followed the instructions in the README and it compiled OK for me (you won't miss what you didn't have before, and ffmpeg is being replaced by avconv anyway).

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Re: Version 3.0 is released

Post by Monkstone »

I was too optimistic/ too quick, compiles OK, but complains of missing quicktime...

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Re: Version 3.0 is released

Post by kipling »

... and there was much rejoicing ...

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Re: Version 3.0 is released

Post by MtnViewJohn »

Issues identified so far:
  • Seams visible in tiled images when very small shapes overlap the edge
  • Variations totally broken, not reproducible at all (uninitialized variable)
  • Command line version dumps core if there is no startshape

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Re: Version 3.0 is released

Post by Monkstone »

[quote="Monkstone"]I was too optimistic/ too quick, compiles OK, but complains of missing quicktime...[/quote], finally I succumbed and compiled in the support for ffmpeg, so now I get a movie created, but how do I specify plain png output, I think there may be some logic error in the optargs, should there be enums for all format choices (unix/linux)?

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Re: Version 3.0 is released

Post by Monkstone »

Well that theory about the optargs went out the window, I tried substituting v17 main.cpp with v16 version still get output that can be read as a movie, rather than as a png file (ie opens with dragon player, but not feh).

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Re: Version 3.0 is released

Post by MtnViewJohn »

I'm an idiot. I left all of the break statements out of the switch statement that makes the output canvas. When you ask for PNG output it tries to make all three kinds of output and fails. I have attached a fixed version of main.cpp to this post. Or you can get it using Mercurial from

Code: Select all

hg clone CF3
Then you can get the variation fix too.
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Re: Version 3.0 is released

Post by Monkstone »

Excellent, I will now update my jEdit scripts, with -Q option (for movie) and the extra syntax.
